What part of disability do you understand?
The word disability covers lot and people and agencies offering disability services in Perth understand that there are all kinds of disabilities. A disability can be something that happens at birth. A baby or a child can have physical disabilities. A new born baby can also become disabled through an extremely difficult birth. Then there are children afflicted with disabilities through illness, or through accident, exactly the same as adults. Disabilities come to people as they age. And disabilities can be physical and they can be mental. Disabilities cover a wide range of disabilities within themselves. A person without legs can still play basketball, if they have the capacity and the support and the equipment and the finances! A person with limited mental capacity can still attend school, again with the right support and equipment and finances. And we mention finances because it is true that people of privilege are able to better manage their disabilities, because of finances. But support services come in to play, as in Perth, and help people of all abilities.
Disability and finance
Thank goodness for folks offering support and disability services because without them many people would not manage. It is much easier to handle a disability when there is support, emotional, physical and financial. Anyone with a disability can reach out to support professionals and disability foundations and if they have not done so, should do so right now. Getting support for a disabled person could involve feeding and clothing them, bathing them and offering general care. Getting support could be taking a disabled person into the garden for some sunshine, or taking them on a walk. It could even be taking a person to learn how to swim all over again, or go scuba diving! As we say, there are disabilities within disabilities and disability services in Perth offer all kinds of help to all kinds of people.