Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.
411 University St, Seattle, USA
+1 -800-456-478-23
Name *
Agency / Position
Postal Address
Phone *
How did you hear about us? *
Please selectWebsiteSocial MediaEventFriend/Family/Another ClientRadioGoogleFlyerAdvertisingOther
First Name *
Family Name *
Preferred Name
Date of Birth *
Address *
Postcode *
Mobile *
Please selectFemaleTransgender Female (MTF)MaleTransgender Male (FTM)Non BinarySelf describePrefer not to discloseDifferent Identity (please describe)
If Different Identity (please describe)
Please selectStraight/HeterosexualLesbian/Gay/HomosexualBisexualUnsurePrefer not to discloseSelf describe
Intersex status
Please selectYesNoUnsurePrefer not to disclose
Please selectThey/Them/TheirsShe/Her/HersHe/Him/HisNone/My NameOther
Relationship Status
Please selectSingleMarriedDefactoDivorcedSeparatedWidowedSelf describe
Relationship other
Please selectYesNo
Torres Strait origin
Please selectNoYes
Country of Birth
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse
Main Language spoken
Please selectEnglishOther
Interpreter required
Visa status
Source of income
Age PensionCarer AllowanceDisability PensionDepartment of Veteran's AffairsFamily AssistanceUnemployment (Newstart)Youth AllowancePaid WorkOther
Other (please specify)
Living Situation
Please selectLiving IndependentlyLiving with family member/carerOther
Hold a DVA Card?
If yes, what type?
Please selectGoldWhiteOther
Nominated support person (Next of kin / Alternative contact)
Do you have a Case Manager?
Do you have a Guardian Appointed?
Do you have a Public Trustee?
Do you have a GP?
Which of the above is your preferred contact?
Please selectSupport PersonCase ManagerGuardian AppointedPublic trusteeGP
Preferred method of contact?
Please selectTextPhone CallEmailMail
Service you are seeking
NPSMNDISMulticultural Mental Health ServiceROS (internal)
Existing NDIS Plan (please attach)
NDIS Plan Number (Please attach)
Current diagnosis / disability *
If yes, please provide details:
Do you currently receive support from a service?
If yes, where from?
Previously applied for Hale Foundation?
Are there recovery steps you are working towards?
Can you share them?
Are there some specific areas you would like support to access i.e. education, employment, recovery planning, navigating life problems, things around the house?
What has helped you in your recovery thus far?
What are you passionate about?
4.1 Any mental health issues you currently receive treatment or support for?
If yes, when did you first receive treatment/support for this?
4.2 Any physical health concerns you currently receive treatment or support for?
If yes, how long have you received treatment for this?
4.3 Describe how your answers from Questions 4.1 and 4.2 impact your life.
Do you have any legal issues we need to know about? (E.g. outstanding charges, convictions or a community treatment order)
Do you have any Alcohol or Drug issues?
Are you linked in with any Alcohol or Drug services?
I acknowledge the information provided is true and correct. I agree that Hale Foundation may contact my health service providers to gather additional information to assist with my referral if needed.
Name of consenting applicant *
Date *