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disability support services

Get Trusted disability support services at Hale Foundation

At Hale Foundation, we strive to provide custom support services through our professional and experienced disability support service providers. We strive to give each person an opportunity to lead the best possible life.

We listen to our client and their family about their problems and expectations. After a good discussion session, we deduce what a person wants from their life and how we can support them during the process. We get involved with our clients in all process stages, including selecting the support team and acquiring the lead role in the planning meetings.

Hale Foundation is registered as the Temporary Transformation payment provider. The cost of our services and support are aligned according to the NDIS price guide.
Click here to get a detailed view of the NDIS support catalogue and pricing for WA participants.

Are you confused or feeling lost?

Then you have come up to the right place; we are here for your help
The process of setting up your care plan can be confusing. For support either you can call 0401 030 030 or email us at info@halefoundation.com.au 

Useful Resources
Here we have shared some useful resources that might help you with the NDIS package. But if you want to talk or discuss something to understand things better, feel free to contact us.