NDIS Support Coordination: Understanding the Basics


Navigating the world of disability support can be complex, especially when it comes
to understanding the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). One vital aspect
of the NDIS is support coordination, a service designed to assist participants in
maximizing their plan funding and achieving their goals.

What is NDIS Support Coordination?

NDIS support coordination is a personalized service that connects participants with
the resources and support they need to live independently and participate in their
communities. A skilled support coordinator acts as your guide and advocate
throughout your NDIS journey, helping you:

  • Understand your NDIS plan and funding:
  • Identify your individual needs and goals:
  • Connect with relevant service providers:
  • Manage your plan budget effectively:
  • Build skills and independence:
  • Resolve any challenges or disputes:

Who can access NDIS Support Coordination?

Any NDIS participant can access support coordination services if they are deemed
eligible by the NDIS. This decision is based on your individual needs and
circumstances, including the complexity of your disability and your capacity to
manage your plan independently

Benefits of NDIS Support Coordination:

Investing in NDIS support coordination offers several significant benefits, including:

Greater choice and control over your support: With our improved support
plans, you have the freedom to choose the services and providers that best
suit your needs. You are in control of your support, allowing you to tailor it to
your preferences and goals.
Improved plan implementation and service delivery: Our enhanced
service delivery ensures that your support plan is implemented effectively and
efficiently. We work closely with you to ensure that all aspects of your plan are
executed as per your requirements, resulting in a seamless experience.
Enhanced independence and community participation: Our support
services are designed to empower you to live independently and actively
participate in your community. We provide the necessary tools, resources,
and assistance to help you engage in social activities, pursue hobbies, and
make meaningful connections.
Reduced stress and anxiety related to managing your plan: We
understand that managing a support plan can be overwhelming. That’s why
we offer comprehensive support coordination, taking care of administrative
tasks, paperwork, and coordination with service providers. This alleviates
stress and allows you to focus on enjoying your life.
Better health and well-being: Our holistic approach to support focuses on
promoting your overall health and well-being. We provide access to
healthcare services, assistance with medication management, and support for
maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By prioritizing your well-being, we aim to
improve your quality of life and help you achieve your health goals.

How to Access NDIS Support Coordination:

This is how you can access NDIS support coordination:

Directly through your NDIS plan: You can request funding for support
coordination services in your NDIS plan. Your planner will help you determine
the level of support you need and connect you with NDIS-registered

To maximize the benefits of support coordination, it’s crucial to:

  • Develop a clear understanding of your goals and priorities.
  • Communicate openly and honestly with your support coordinator.
  • Be actively involved in making decisions about your support.
  • Provide feedback to your support coordinator regularly.
  • Advocate for your rights and needs.

NDIS support coordination is a valuable service that can empower participants to
live fuller, more independent lives. By understanding the basics, exploring your
eligibility, and actively participating in the process, you can leverage support
coordination to achieve your NDIS goals and thrive in the community.


Looking for help with NDIS support coordination? Visit Hale Foundation to learn
more and get the assistance you need to achieve your NDIS goals. Take control of
your support, enhance your independence, and improve your overall well-being.
Click here to access our website and explore the valuable disability services we offer
in Perth

How to find the best health support system or care in your city

You will not struggle to find an NDIS service provider in Perth. The city totally prides itself on looking after its citizens and making sure that help is provided when help is needed. The kind of help that is offered is both physical and emotional. NDIS service providers cover nurses, caregivers, physical therapists, social workers, psychotherapists and occupational therapists. The kind of care offered depends entirely on the kind of care that is needed. It could be help getting someone dressed and ready for the day. It could be helping someone with their meals for the day. It could be counselling and listening and advising. And it could be taking someone for a walk, reading a book to them, or taking them to their medical or dentist appointment, or for a swim. And we don’t throw in the ‘swim’ bit lightly. Disabled people like to swim too. NDIS service providers provide all kinds of hep and support.

Finding an NDIS service provider

Look for the Perth foundations (like ours) that provide the best NDIS service provider (and check if they are registered) and drop them a line. Tell them what you are looking for, and what kind of help or service you need. You can also phone them, if that is your preferred way of communication. The good service starts from the very beginning, where someone will respond to you, maybe ask you a few more questions and then perhaps set up a date. If it is emotional help, counselling or similar, a time will be set up and work begins quickly. If it is physical support that is needed, a person may be assessed at a first appointment, and then work will begin. And if it is just someone needed to walk the dog, that can start immediately.

Contact a registered NDIS service provider Perth and get the help that you need.